Our Program

Expect innovative approaches and dynamic ideas you can learn from, create, and replicate to reimagine your school nutrition operations. More than 100 education sessions will cover the four Key Areas of Nutrition, Operations, Administration and Communications & Marketing.


Schedule at a Glance

Get a feel for the flow of the conference and how to best plan out your days by glancing through the schedule, day by day.


Pre-Conference Workshops

Make the most of your time at the conference by warming up with a pre-con—there are many to choose from to jump start your learning.


General Session Keynotes

These are the can’t-miss, biggest sessions of the conference, attended by thousands and featuring top-tier speakers that will power your imagination.


Education Highlights

What’s a Game-Changer? Where can I meet up with my peers? Will there be sessions where we can discuss hot topics? Check out the highlights for answers.


Culinary Demonstrations

There’s nothing more delicious than discovering fresh ways to prepare and serve school meals. Meet with experts who can share culinary secrets and nutrition tips to increase participation at your school. Seating is limited. Check back to learn more details about the dishes planned for this year’s demos.



From our closing event to a reception for first-timers, there is no shortage of opportunities to connect and make new friends at ANC.