Headshot of Lynn Broberg

Lynn Broberg

Assistant Director of Nutrition Services

St. Paul Public Schools

Lynn Broberg, SNS, has worked in school and child nutrition for over 20 years, and is currently the very proud Assistant Director of Nutrition Services at Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS). She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Arts in 1998 and earned her School Nutrition Specialist credentials in 2016.

Lynn is deeply dedicated to her growth as a positive and inclusive leader and was a member of SPPS’s strategic planning team for positive school and district culture. Additionally, she has provided ongoing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports training to over 250 of her Nutrition Services teammates, and has presented at the Minnesota School Nutrition Association’s Annual Conference.

Education Session

Monday, July 11, 2022 

2:45 pm – 3:45 pm

PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports in the Cafeteria

Learn about Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)—a set of ideas and tools that schools use to improve behavior and the academic outcomes of students. You’ll find out how to apply PBIS practices to help create a positive culture in your cafeteria, kitchens and workplaces. Additionally, you’ll explore the importance of relationships, how past experiences impact thoughts and behaviors and how to correct unexpected behaviors without undermining relationships.
Target Audience: All

Get to Know Lynn

What are you most excited about this year’s ANC?

The educational sessions and learning from our colleagues. My brain is always ready to explode with ideas at the end of conferences. Someone once gave me the advice of making a list of all the ideas, identify 2-3 that I’m most excited about or think would be most valuable, and focus on those. When those 2-3 ideas have been accomplished, go back to the list and pick 2-3 more. My brain is thankful for that person who shared that advice.

And I think it goes without saying, I’m excited about being together again. Zoom and Teams meetings have been valuable tools to help keep us connected during the pandemic, but nothing beats being able to feel the positive energy that all our school lunch heroes bring to a room.

What is the most important tip you would like attendees to take away from your session?

Relationships are key!

ANC’s theme this year is “Powered by Imagination.” What do you do to keep your creative juices flowing or to feed your imagination?

I drive my car. I have no idea why my brain works the way it does, but some of the best and most creative ideas and solutions that I’ve had have come to me while I was driving.